Drop off/Pickup Location: Front of the building (WEST FACING)

FIRST WEEK ONLY pick up process:
Middle/HS Hours: 8:30am-12:30pm
Drop Off: 8:15am- 8:30am
Black, Navy, MS/HS
- Kindly remain in the car line for pick-up. This will assist us in managing traffic more effectively and keep the line moving.
Elementary Hours: 9:00am-12:30pm
Drop Off: 8:45am- 9:00am
Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple
Please park and walk up to pick up your children. This approach will help reduce congestion and improve traffic flow. You MUST bring your car tag with you when walking up to get your kiddo!
Middle/HS Hours: 8:30am-12:30pm
Drop Off: 8:15am- 8:30am
Black, Navy, MS/HS
- Parents MUST wait for a staff member/teacher to arrive at the drop off line before dropping and leaving.
- Students will go to the 3rd floor in groups with a staff member/teacher
Elementary Hours: 9:00am-12:30pm
Drop Off: 8:45am- 9:00am
Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple
- Parents MUST wait for a staff member/teacher to arrive at the drop off line before dropping and leaving.
If you choose to park and walk your child to the teacher at the front entrance, please make sure that you have actually handed them off, and not just allowed them to walk up on their own.- Students will go the 4th floor in groups with a staff member/teacher.
If you have children that are in Elementary AND Middle/High School you MAY drop off your elementary student during the 8:15am drop off time with your older child. All elementary students will go to the 4th floor big space and wait until other students arrive at 8:45am.
All families choosing to use this option MUST notify Courtney or Tara if you plan to drop off your children all at the same time. We will need to know this to prepare for the appropriate amount of staffing.
12:30 pm Pick Up
- If your student is NOT enrolled in an elective you will pick them up at 12:30pm.
- A car line will form in the same place as the morning drop off. (SEE MAP)
2:00 pm Pick Up
- If your student is enrolled in an after school elective you will pick them up at 2pm
- A car line will form in the same place as the morning drop off. (SEE MAP)