What is Friends of TKCU?

Ok, cool… but what is this?

What are y’all doing? What is a PTO? Why do we need this at TKCU?

We hear you! Many of the families that have arrived at TKCU come from public schools and are well-versed in the realm of PTO/PTA. But some of you have no idea what this is! Friends of TKCU is a PTO (Parent Teacher Organization), not a PTA (Parent Teacher Association).

We do get input from the teachers and staff at The Kid Connection, and try to stay in constant contact with them, but we are a parent-run group. The members and the board (us parents that are here volunteering and coming to meetings) get together and talk about the needs of the school and students and try to assess how we can make TKCU even more awesome.

TKCU is a 3 day program that is finished for the day around noon. When do our kids get to socialize with their friends? How do we meet other parents to set up playdates? That’s where we come in!

Friends of TKCU is about organization and connection, not solicitation. We want to help build relationships and an inclusive community. We don’t want any child to be left out of a playdate or any parent to miss an important school announcement because of a crazy week at work.

Of course everyone that works at TKCU is amazing, but we are here to nurture a community in which we can work together. Parents helping parents, as well as supporting teachers and students. If you have a question, we want to help keep lines of communication open so information gets to the right spot and you are comfortable to ask anything on your mind or heart.

OUR MISSION - Unite parents, teachers, and students to create an inclusive community for families and staff to partner together to empower the child and to provide opportunities for connection and celebration.

We are currently busy planning park meetups to get to know each other and structuring a room parent system to try to keep everyone on the same page during the school year. We are planning spirit nights and parties already, and we hope to find community service and volunteer opportunities to get involved in as well. What else should we be doing? Come make new friends and help us decide!

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