As a veteran TKCU parent, I’ve had the privilege of witnessing The Kid Connection’s incredible growth—from a handful of students to a vibrant, diverse community of kids of all talents and ages. I want to thank each one of you for supporting Friends of TKCU and connecting so many different students and families at various stages in their education journeys. Without you, we would not be able to hold events or foster this community as it continues to grow and develop. Hats off to all of you!
PTO Sponsored Events
- The Best Christmas Pageant Ever – Private Screening for all of TKCU
- Fall Fest at the Wayback Barn
- Kicking off the New School year at Stix
- Park Meetups and Rentals for events such as Summer Meetups and Friendsgiving.
- Coming Soon: Valentine’s Day Potluck (see more info)
- Planning Stages: May End of Year Celebration at Field Day
Teacher Appreciation
- October: Snack Cart – Signup Genius with snack requests
- November: We are “thankful” for you – Starbucks gift cards for all
- December: Christmas Luncheon – Christmas Luncheon
- January: Spread Winter Cheer -Stock the Fridge!
Volunteer Organization
- Snack Cart Signups
- Library Volunteer Signups
- Teacher Christmas Gifts
- Teacher Appreciation Signups
- Car line Signups
Communication and Support
- Room Parent Creation to support each teacher
- Raising funds for technology in the classroom
- Creating and maintaining tkcufriends.org
- Creating and moderating GroupMe chats
- PTO Newsletters
- Hosting Parent/PTO Meetings